
What is time?
Time is a constant.
It is an ever present force in our lives.

Say what you will about gods and demons,
Beings which may or may not exist,
But there is no dispute over the force that is time.

It acts upon all of us in turn.
And with the rising and setting of the sun
Time daily makes its presence known.

But what is a day?
A day is but a label,
A label that changes based on where you live.

Here the sun rises telling us the day has begun,
But for someone else the sun is setting
It is telling them that now it is night.

And so we measure time based on the light,
But time is not affected by the light;
Truly is it not time that affects the light?

And so we live in our different time zones
And we say things like “Central Standard Time”
We say things like “Daylights Savings Time.”

And we say we have gained or lost an hour.
We resent the inconvenience
The shift we must make to our schedules.

We wish we could regain the lost hours,
But time has lost nothing;
It continues on, impervious to our labels.

And these labels serve no purpose.
They are nothing but lies that we tell ourselves;
Illusions that we hold onto.

We know they are lies but still we accept them
Because the reality is too bitter to face;
The reality that we aren’t in control of our fate.

Time has seen all the world that came before us
And time will witness all the world that will come when we’re gone.
But time does not care about us.

Time has witnessed the greatest achievements of man
And likewise time has seen our greatest failures,
But never once has time stopped to praise or to mourn.

Time drones ever on into the future.
We are inconsequential to time,
And yet our lives are tied to time’s passing.

Time is the most powerful force in the universe.
There is absolutely nothing we can do to stop time.
And despite our best wishes, our time will always come.

Time passes silently ever forward.
Day after day time ticks on
Driving us closer and closer to the grave.

Blue Oyster Cult said “Don’t Fear the Reaper,”
And they were correct
For we should not fear death, we should fear time.

It's Funny

It’s funny how the stars
Hold so much power
In magic and love
Since they’re dead
It’s funny how as a kid
Space was this magical place
You always wanted to visit
When it’s actually cold and lifeless
It’s funny how the rain
Is this beautiful symbol
That washes away the pain of the past
But then it actually washes away your house
Because of flooding
It’s funny how people think otters
Are cute and innocent
But they’re actually ruthless
And they rape and kill
Baby seals
It’s funny how everyone hates stairs
But elevators are more likely
To kill you
It’s funny how you thought coffee
Was disgusting
And now it fuels
Your entire life
It’s funny how we tell kids
Fairy tales at bedtime
But if we told them
The original versions
They’d have nightmares
It’s funny how politicians
Make a big deal about immigration
When we kicked the Indians
Out of their home
It’s funny how what you thought
You were gonna be as a kid
Is almost never the case
It’s funny how everyone
Knocks art students
But the world still
Expects art

You Are The Song In My Head

You know that feeling
When you have a song
Stuck in your head

And it keeps playing
Over and over
And over again

But when it's a new song
You're particularly fond of
But don't know the words to

You only know one part
So you sing it again
And again

Well honey I got that kind of feeling
But instead of a song
Well my darling, it's you

Panic Attack


Chest tightens
Breath quickens
Panic panic
Spiral spiral
It all comes crashing down
Run run
Run and hide
Hide away
Away away
Away from it all
All the stress
All the worry
Run away from the shit show
That is your own head
Be calm
Deep breaths
In out
In out in out
Fuck that
One stray thought
And it all comes tumbling down

Out But Not Out

Living in a state of denial
Out but not out
Free to fly
Stuck on the ground
Weighted down
By the skeletons in my closet
My life
Too melodramatic to be real
Like a rabbit hole
Dangerous to fall into
Hard to get out of
Smoke and mirrors
Always diverting from the truth
Wishing like a child
Naively holding on to a pipe dream
Nothing is ever that simple
Out but not out
It all stays the same
Moving still in a circle
Instead of a line
So much waisted energy
Spent on a lie
This entire relationship is a sham
Round and round we go
Down the rabbit hole
Falling so long
It feels like I'm not even moving
Out but not out
Hard to maintain the act
Itching for a fight
Knowing not to start one
The veritable cauldron of emotions
Keep that shit in check
Commit to your role
You've been too long out of practice
Weave the web
Sell it for all you're worth

The Truth About Normal

What is Normal?
Normal is a dangerous concept
Normal  is like toxic waste
That has been dumped into our water supply
Slowly eroding our minds for generations
The concept of normal is meant to bully us into submission
Normal has caused so much damage
How many children
Have been made to feel completely alone
Because they weren’t normal?
And they are made to feel as if
They have no one to turn to
As if it is somehow their own fault
For simply being who they are
How many children never reach adulthood
Because they were made to feel
As if no one cared about them
As if everyone hated them
As if they have nothing to give to this world
That it would be better off without them in it
That this is their only option
That it is the only way to end the pain
And suddenly those who cast them out
Grow so sympathetic
And they cry out that this is such a tragic loss
And they can just sit there and act
As if the blood isn’t on their hands
How many adults are made to go through this?
How many people?
How many souls are made to suffer
Because of Normal?
But what even is Normal?
Normal is an impossibility
Every single person
No matter how “normal” they might seem
Is different and unique in their own way
And if everyone is different
How can there be a Normal?
Normal is an impossible concept
Used to frighten the masses into compliance
And so many cling so desperately to this concept
They shrink back in fear
From those who do not fall into
The confining definition of their prison
They think that the bars on their windows
Are to keep the freaks out
When really they’re there to keep them in
But those of us they look down upon for being different
Are truly free
We have accepted ourselves for what we are
We have accepted ourselves for our own beautiful chaos
We are able to see a different world than they are
We are able to see the world
For all its beautiful differences, oddities, and unpredictabilities
They see the world through a tainted lens
And they are unable to see the truth
And perhaps
They never will
And so if you have ever been made to suffer
By those who call themselves normal
Know this
There is nothing wrong with who you are
Because what you are is beautiful
And if they cannot see that
Then it is truly their loss


Being an Adult

Being an adult is incredibly overrated

So often as a kid you think; “I can’t wait
until I’m old enough to do this or that”
And you think being an adult means freedom

But really it just means too many responsibilities

Then at last you become an adult albeit a young one
And you realize you are completely unprepared to face reality
You can cram knowledge like you were studying for a midterm
But you can’t just pull an all-nighter and be ready to face the real world
Because life doesn’t have GPA requirement

Occasionally though everything seems to be working out
You regard your life as a well prepared masterpiece

But then you look at it too long and realize the perspective is all wrong
And the colors won’t blend right no matter what you try
The Old Masters would be disappointed in your work

So at the end of the day you just say “Fuck it” and roll a blunt
Because getting high as balls is the only way you can deal with the existential dread

Being an adult is like a movie based on your favorite book
It looks like everything you always imagined it would look like
But spoiler alert!
The Book is always better